“He is the All-forgiving, the Most Loving One.” ~85:14 Qur’an
“And I am with the ones whose heart is broken for My sake.” ~Hadith Qudsi

Description: 10″x8″ oil & acrylic on canvas. I wanted to work anew on paintings that depicted the most beautiful Names of the Beloved as central themes of the pieces. Al Wadud means “The Most Affectionate” or “The Most Loving”, He is the very source of all nurturance and healing we may experience through the gift of Love. There is sacred purpose to suffering as it diminishes the ego~  Only then can divine closeness be felt with greater sensitivity as the heart is broken; this brokenness creates an opening through which the Light enters and thus it becomes the essential reality of such a humble heart~ Below is the poem that captured this painting.

~ Al Wadud: The Secret of Secrets ~

my tenderness crawls
on the ground to form
a carpet of jewels for
Your first light to walk upon;
this contact to his feet
lights up the galaxies’
sacred Recitation~
Every letter leaps, curves
and then points to You;
Lo! My pen just broke
to the Sound of their dance!
Can materiality disclose
the Secret of Secrets
without first being broken
Oh I dangle from myself,
as this question scurries
by my seven spheres!
“In a natural move
of collapse into Your Grace,

all atoms bow to You”
the cosmic pulse says,
“our letting go of self
to become immersed in You
is the soul’s intimate Way.”
Ya Wadud, O Beloved,
I whirl in joy,
lost in the infinity
of Your All Pervasive Love~

© 2015 Aïda Touré