The Rubies of Sensitivity

The Rubies of Sensitivity 24×18 mixed media on canvas © 2020 Aïda Touré

“The Rubies of Sensitivity” is part of my new series of paintings “E x a l t é” (E x a l t e d) that was inspired by my journey through the deepest form of Surrender I ever experienced. The series visually relates the Love that carried me through it.  Each painting was prompted by the immersion in the awareness that there only is Unity~

This painting “The Rubies of Sensitivity” celebrates the power of Sensitivity which is an opening to the Divine as it allows humble ones to feel vast dimensions of reality and to bring back various gems from it. Sensitivity is to be embraced as it is a corridor to the spiritual realms our souls know.

~ The Rubies of Sensitivity ~

O you, sensitive soul,
freer than oceans,
you wear the ultimate crown~
You embodied to adorn the world
with the Rubies of Sensitivity.
Veils lift and beauties appear!
Behind your gaze hide sages;
through you, they return.
Let us marvel at these comings
and goings between love and invisibility,
the poetry of your features;
your pilgrim eyes, how artful!
Everything is calligraphy on your face.
Without respite, your eyelashes trace
the Sun’s secret alphabet.
You are a universe mirroring itself,
our reminder to soften,
you are the tears we’re scared to shed,
you are the spheres’ Music we can’t hear yet!

© 2020 Aïda Touré