Sahelian Luminaries

“And follow not the bidding of those who are extravagant, who make mischief in the land, and mend not (their ways).”
26: 151-152 ~Qur’an
“As for that Abode of the Hereafter We assign it unto those who seek not oppression in the earth, nor yet corruption. The sequel is for those who ward off (evil).
28: 83 ~Qur’an

Description: “Sahelian Luminaries” was inspired from this poem, an homage to all the West African Muslim saints, thinkers, sages, humble intellectuals and scientists whose work reflected the observance of Islamic values and whose struggle honored the Truth. These beings strove to preserve their divine rights, freedom, integrity, culture and native resources; for this reason they were exiled, persecuted, ridiculed and sometimes eliminated by usurping and colonialist forces in Africa. Simultaneously this painting is a spiritual metaphor for the glorious Songhaï Empire that flourished thanks to its foundation upon the Islamic universal principles of righteousness, knowledge, equality, wisdom, justice and thus love for The Divine Being.

In memory of: Askia Muhammad Touré, Ahmed Baba, Fodié Saréna Touré, Cidy Moktar Touré, Cheikh Amadou Bamba, Samory Touré, Dr Cheikh Anta Diop and my father Dr Abdoulaye Touré.

~ Sahelian Luminaries ~

Lit with a billion ecstasies
we speak with no words,
being one another’s lanterns

we build hidden empires
coveted for their excellence.
Look, the Moon fills with sobs

as our hearts turn to Love, lo!
The truth slips in and we taste
the nectar of Union; it is this

vertiginous sweetness Askia Touré’s
lips kissed, communities in circles
contagiously journeyed by to endure

the grace of Islam too!
Lights in human form in prostration
for centuries between worlds,

alternately from the seen to the unseen,
caravans of gold get returned
to the poor; Justice knocks

at every door! No one I know
would shy away such reality!
Tonight we stay awake to reap

the benefit of this Longing
slowly fed to us with gigantic
golden spoons: no interruption please!

Love is always unfurling like
the Creation’s ongoing recitation
of the Holy Qur’an.

Bismillah, hear the pulling in and
you succumb to the purity of Ruh (as).
We die just like this, before dying.

© 2007 Aida Touré